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Wednesday, May 7, 2008 

The Easy Way To List-Building With Giveaway Events

List-building with giveaway events is becoming a popular way for product owners to build their subscriber base.

What is a giveaway, or a giveaway event?

A giveaway event benefits everyone involved because product owners get exposure, In Search Of Bigfoot people get free stuff... You have to be invited to a giveaway event somehow marijuana test you have 2 choices: you can be a JV partner recommending other product owners to come to the event, or you can be somebody who opts in in to get some free stuff.

Is there a hazard here? Sure...

You can send your subscribers to get free stuff, but once you do, your subscribers are on somebody else's list and getting their emails as well as yours. You worked hard to get a loyal subscriber base and now that you've peddled them off onto another Bugaloos perhaps they feel a broken connection.

This is all speculation. Here's another theory, the more people that get free stuff, the less willing they're going to be to pull buy Prozac online their credit cards and buy something from anyone.

What if you're a product owner and you decide to participate to get free subscribers?

Well, there's 2 ways this works. Most giveaway events are concocted for the sheer purpose of list-building. It's like a massive adswap with hundreds of product owners exchanging freebies.

If you want to get the most out of list-building events like these giveaways,you have to send a lot of signups to the site. If you send the most people to signup for the giveaway event, you get to be on the front page of the giveaway event internet, or on the top ten list.

This means you will get more subscribers than anyone else when the giveaway event launches. It also means you sent more subscribers to opt in to the event.

I know some people that do their list building this way and developed a 10,000 person subscriber base doing just giveaway events. So giveaway events do work for some people, although the quality of those subscribers obtained are suspect.

After all they're freebie-seekers, and they don't make the best buyers. Whereas generic Prozac buyer of a 300 dollar product may be a more valued subscriber than the freebie seeker who may never buy anything from you because they're always broke.

You can read all of Daniel McGonagle's articles at firsthandreviews.comfirsthandreviews.com He is the creator of the IM as wellLKIT yourimas welllkit.comyourimas welllkit.com