Tuesday, May 6, 2008 

Is Your Telephone Working for Your Competition?

John P. Wild Wild West a dilemma. He just couldnt figure out what it was.

Six months ago, he had started Happy Days own small investment, working out of an office in his home. Wild Wild West first few months he did extremely well. People liked his service and his client list rapidly grew.

Then everything seemed to change. Several clients went with his competition. Prospects he was certain were sold, ended up selecting other companies.

Finally, in desperation, he went to one of his ex-clients and asked, What did I do that made you switch services?

It was really nothing you did, John. You just became so busy and were out of your office so much we could never reach you.

It was then that John realized his own telephone was working for his competition.

The first thing he did was go shopping for a investment telephone system. But what he found only added to his frustration. To install a telephone system in his home office would cost several thousand dollars. This was money John didnt have.

That afternoon he was telling a friend his dilemma when the friend asked, Why dont you do what I did? Get a toll-free number pbx telephone communication service?

John gave his friend a puzzled look. Toll-free? Why would I need a toll-free number? Most of my investment antidepressant local.

This might surprise you, John, but did you know that people are more likely to call an 800 number than a local number? Plus, the toll-free number helps make you a standout even in a local market. Besides, who says youre going to remain local forever. Think ahead and prepare.

John still wasnt buying. Maybe so. But the whole thing sounds way as well expensive for me. Right now Im working on a very slim budget.

Do you think you might manage $9.99 a month?

Yeah, I could do that. But is that all I get? Just a toll-free number?

Johns friend smiled. Not even close. Along with the toll-free number you get a total communication package. Its one of the greatest services available for a small investmentman, such as yourself.

For example, I bet one of your biggest dilemmas is having your telephone answered.

Yeah...thats a major dilemma, John admitted. My wife is supposed to answer the phone but shes often over at her mothers Defenders tied up with our two young kids.

Okay. How about a telephone system where a call from a client or prospect is always answered and there is never a busy signal?

So who answers the phone? John asked.

Well, you have several choices. You can have the call answered by you, a receptionist at your toll-free telephone service or your own voice mail. Plus, theres one other option. Lets say youre going to be at a clients office all morning. You can have your calls forwarded to the clients number or your cell phone.

That sounds like Ill end up spending a lot more than $9.99 a month.

I know. It sounds as well good to be true. But you havent heard about some of the other features. For example, the messages you receive on your voice mail are recorded as wav files and immediately emailed to you? That way you can retrieve them anywhere at anytime on your machine or laptop. Or, of course, you can hear them over any phone by tapping into your voice mail system.

Also, think about this. Lets say youre expecting an important call or fax. When it arrives, a text message will be instantly sent to your cell phone or PDA to let you know.

John shook his head. This sounds pretty unbelievable. Particularly since I always thought only big and successful companies had toll-free numbers.

A lot of people think that way. So what happens? People start seeing you as a big and successful company. Plus, its a great advertising as welll.

So if I sign up with one of these services, how does that affect my home phone? Thats my primary communication as welll right now.

For one thing, it will allow you to keep your personal phone number private. All you ever give anyone is your toll-free number. No separate numbers for fax...cell...office...home...or whatever. And with that number you can be reached 24/7. Whats more, you never have to change it. If your area code changes or you move to an office building, you take your number with you.

Heres one other thing. Toll-free investment phones can provide a custom phone number that relates to your investment. For example, a florist might want the number 1-800-FLOWERS. Just think how easy a number like that is to remember and how it can benefit your investment.

John smiled and put out his hand. Okay, it sounds good. But Im going to have to check it out for myself. When I get back to the office Ill look up some toll-free investment telephone services on the Internet.

Sounds good...but just a word of caution, John. You want a reliable service and one that offers all and more of the features Ive mentioned. Remember, this service is going to become an important part of your investment so choose wisely.

Johns friend was asking John to be more cautious only for the Purpose that there are many providers with different calling rates. Many providers charge double for a forwarded call which the users might not know at the time of buying a Toll Free Number.

Manohar Chapalamadugu is the president and founder of 800PBX Inc. The company offers reliable and affordable Toll Free PBX services with no double billing. Visit www.800pbx.comhttp://www.800pbx.com.

I am Mark, an in-house writer for 800PBX Inc, the provider of Toll Free Number with PBX Services.I am a regular reader and writer of investment articles.